Papaya is a fruit of "long life" in the legend, between fresh fruit and other cheap papaya fruit has a lot of therapeutic effects especially for the women's beauty.
Working for the digestive system.
destroyers enzyme proteins contained therein, can charge expenses intestinal tract and pancreas or pancreas, stomach filled the lack of sap, can help break down proteins and starches, is still working for free for the digestive system.
Food recipes recommended: a mixture of young papaya, raw papaya peeled, cut into small pieces, mixed with chilly, white sesame, salt, sugar, coriander, juice (orange) bergamot and stirred evenly.
Improve endurance
Papaya contains karotena and rich in vitamin C, they (papaya) have the ability to very powerful antioxidant, helping the organism to improve the network, eliminating toxins, strengthen the immune system, prevent and treat a number of viral pneumonia or pneumonia. (1). jpg
Recommendations recipes: fresh papaya juice
Treat burns
Burn areas can breed harmful bacteria, effective ingredient contained in papaya enter can protect cells, enhance its function to kill bacteria. When the immune system to attack harmful bacteria will produce oxygen and nitrogen, both of these substances on average is not good for the healing of the burn area. Papaya sap can reduce half of the total oxygen and nitrogen, to accelerate the wound healing process.
How to use: scrubs papaya, and leaves the liquid to the surface of the wound area.
Breast tightening
Since the first young papaya fruit is believed to be the best in tightening the breast, which a lot of papaya enzymes contained in it are helping the growth of breasts. Fasteners are hormone and vitamin A in many enzymes contained in papaya, may stimulate female hormones expenditure, and stimulate the ovaries out female hormones, launched the mammary gland and breast become tight achieve the purpose.
How to use: milk papaya, papaya, chopped, and then in making juice with a mixture of milk and egg yolk, and mix again with the juice (orange) and honey citron.
Deal with loss
Young papaya enzyme is 2 times more mature papaya enzymes. He (enzyme) not only can break down proteins, carbohydrates can even break down fat, remove the meat more, pushing the metabolic processes, quickly took out excess fat.
For skin beauty
Levels of vitamin C in papaya is 48 times more apples. Coupled with the ability papaya digestive enzymes, can quickly remove toxins in the body, very good for the freshness of the skin from within. Papaya enzymes contained in them could encourage the process of skin metabolism, help to melt the layers of skin and horns of aging substances accumulated in the pores, making skin appear brighter and brighter. Stars are recommended: in the land of Miss Universe, Venezuela, where the skin is the miss Universe always looked so bright and full of vitality. According to the evidence, all of this because they are very skillful use papaya to treat skin. For example mask peach papaya mixed.
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How to use: The fruit papaya and peach skin removed, then ground thickens, then mixed with juice (orange) and honey citron.