
Jumat, 04 September 2009

Makhluk Mhytologi Seluruh Dunia [part 2]

1. Amarok

Amarok is the name of a giant wolf in Seruit mythology. His form of broad wings and large-toothed and sharp. He is said to catch and devour a fool alone, enough to hunt at night. Unlike the real Wolves hunt anywhere, It is sometimes considered the same as waheela of cryptozoology.

2. Adlet

In mythology Seruit from Labrador and Hudson Bay coast, which is Adlet monsters who drink blood. They are the children of a woman and a red dog. Five of the ten girls who had passed the dog to the emergence of the Competition European sea . Five children is impossible Adlet. The descendants of Adlet known as Erqigdlit.

3. Akhlut

In mythology Seruit, Akhlut is the spirit that has two forms of the dragon took the dog and wolf orca. This is a vicious creatures and dangerous animals. Tracks that can be recognized because they are a dragon wolf tracks leading to the ground and from the sea. often, they were seen walking into the sea / or to the land is considered catastrophic. dragon myth is not a lot of tracks associated with the myth that because they are real.

4. Hokou

Bijuu Hokou is in the form of a tail like a dog with five. Each tail of this creature represents each and every elemental forces: Fire, Wind, Water, Land, and Lightning. It can cause tremendous damage when used. His ability is to use all elements and combine them. Each element can also lead to a disaster depends on the type. Hokou intend to destroy nature to get back the five elements. He suffered serious injury when he challenged both the Nekomata Kyuubi. Strangely enough, he is the god of illusion. Hokou live in a big tree that had a long life.

Hokou fight 4 times, 3 times a victory gained from Sokou, Raijū, and Nekomata which would later become his allies. Hokou defeat against Kyuubi, even if he was assisted by Nekomata, but Kyuubi was too strong for him. Hokou physical strength in rank 3 and the power chakra / stamina on his to-5 ranking.

5. Isonade

sonade is a creature from Japanese mythology, shaped like a shark with horns on his head and has three tails and three fins, he was also able to control the water in accordance with her wishes. He was first discovered in the waters Yamagawa and live in the deep waters of western Japan. Every few months he would come out to the surface for air. When he did this he would create a storm and the waves in the surrounding waters, the ship will sink nearby and then used as food by Isonade. He also frequently attacked ships sailing in the ocean free.

Isonade has named samehada subordinates who live in the stomach and helps increase Isonade chakranya up to five times greater. Samehada food comes from food eaten remains Isonade.

In Japanese mythology the nine gods of war, Isonade, which has a symbolic element of water, had four match; two wins (against Kaku and Shukaku), one defeat (against Nekomata), and one escaped (as against Yamata No Orochi) . After the fight, a fisherman and brave warrior from Yokohama, Takuma Muramasa, approached samehada Isonade then sealed into a jar of magic tool for sealed shark in the water temple. As a result, Isonade can not use massive chakra, so do not endanger humans.

6. Kaku

Rigor can also be read as "mujina" is a squirrel-shaped Bijuu. Kanjinya can also be read as Mujina, the name of a subspecies of the squirrel (Meles Meles Anaguma) in several places in Japan. He came from the altar of sacrifice on the outskirts of Nagoya. Kaku has seven tails, and the smallest among the Bijuu, though he is Bijuu terlicik and most "intruders" from the other nine Bijuu. Rigid hunt prey from the ground all the time. He was killed with erode / destroy the ground under its prey, making it fall right in the mouth which was wide open. On the ground, he can turn into anything, as long as he has clay. His body was blue.

In this war, Kaku fight 4 times, he won over Sokou, and 3 times away from Nekomata, Isonade, and Yamata no Orochi. Although never lost, but he escaped 3 times from 4 times a fight. Although the level of the chakra / stamina of his rank-3 (above Isonade and Nekomata), but he was more interested in escape than fight. Perhaps due to the low physical strength (ranked 7th). Clay storage hers was already known by the fighters and burned. Rigid and can not change shape and was defeated by the brave fighters Ikkyo Soujin, who sealed by means of force Kaku Time Altar of Earth to the seal in the temple of the earth.

7. Kyuubi

Kyuubi Bijuu with a nine-tailed fox form and is the strongest among the Bijuu. The reason why he's so powerful is simple: he has unlimited chakra, making it worthy of the name "King of Bijuu". Its power comes from his fire seal. After fighting for 100 years with Yamata no Orochi, seal it becomes exhausted; but Kyuubi could stand and stood up. He was also shrewd and intelligent. In the world of Naruto, way of speaking is very sadistic and sarcastic. So did his behavior.

Somewhere, Kyuubi constantly killing people in his way to find who is awakened. Yamata no Orochi did not tell, who has been awakened, although it Yamata no Orochi himself had awakened. Kyuubi only 4 times and fought all winnings, which is against Nekomata and Hokou, Raijū, and Yamata no Orochi.

8. Nekomata

Nekomata is a creature from Japanese mythology, is believed to be a metamorphosis of the cat. He comes from the Evil Forest in northern Hokkaido and supposedly first discovered in Hokkaido Forest devil, he comes from the Evil Forest (different from the forest demon) in northern Hokkaido. The shape of a giant monster black cat, which sometimes shown with two black angel wings large. He is the God of Death pets. Nekomata live from consuming the bodies and souls of the dead.

Legend has it, originally Nekomanta pet is a cat owner who frequently tortured. Once the cat reaches the age of ten years, its tail will gradually split into two parts, along with the increasing power of augury (shamanism) and magic (necromancy) the cat. Some people who believe this are usually cut their cats for fear of being turned into a monster.

Nekomanta have a variety of sorcery and fortune-telling, but the most commonly used is to raise the dead with his will. Nekomata say can create and control the death of a tail or move his front leg movement. Nekomata eat people he hated, if the owner is more cruel, then the cat will become more sadistic. Nekomata will never forget the torment of a man and will hold a grudge forever on that person. If the person is dead, the relatives will be visited by Nekomata and constantly haunted. How to calm him down is to give respect, an apology and the food.

Some Japanese folklore also says that Nekomanta can transform his body into human form; however, unlike most nekomusume, Nekomanta females tend to be seen as an old woman, has a bad personality, and always smelled of scary around, which if inhaled in a given time period will cause diseases and epidemics.

9. Raiju

Bijuu Raijū is shaped like a beaver, has 4 legs and a very sharp nails. If roared like thunder. Originally, he was the god of thunder, but because of the influence of Yamata no Orochi power he turned into a monster. Raijū can release large amounts of electricity for the purpose of fighting. Gold-colored fur and tip up. Has six tail that looks like lightning, like the ancient god of thunder.

Raijū the god of lightning-shaped badger / otter

Raijū also described as co Raiden, god of thunder from the Shinto religion. Usually, Raijū calm and harmless, but can be wild and aggressive during a lightning storm, and about everything around, rocks, trees and even buildings (one used to say that a tree hit by lightning Raijū scratches).

Raijū fought 5 times. He won the Shukaku and Sokou, and lost by Hokou, Yamata no Orochi, and Kyuubi. He was sealed by a ninja named Sarutobi by using the techniques Kinjutsu: raikiri the rod and cut into mengembalikkannya Raijū and make it hurt. Sarutobi then use the power of "Hidden Thunder Prison" and sealed in the Temple of Thunder.

10. Shukaku

Shukaku is the name of one in Bijuu Naruto Comics. Shukaku form of a raccoon or Tanuki in Japanese. Shukaku was formerly a priest of Nara, which turned into a monster because of Yamata no Orochi power. He then turned into a giant raccoon. His personality is very silly and love to play, just like a raccoon in general. He lived from the souls of those who died because of the sand and wind. Tattoo purple (blue in Naruto) indicates his nickname as the god of wind.

There is also a saying Raijū sleep in human stomach. This makes Raiden shoot arrows into the stomach Raijū sleep to wake, which can make people in pain. People used to sleep on his stomach when the weather was bad. Some are saying Raijū only person sleeping on the stomach of a sleeping outside.

Shukaku fight five times, a victory over Sokou, 3 times a defeat against Isonade, Nekomata and Raijū. Shukaku escape against Yamata no Orochi. Shukaku then successfully sealed by a monk named Nara Oraga Nakashimu using a series of magic. Then he used a power "Deer Horn Kettle" and sealed in the Temple of the Winds. Shukaku also represents the god of wind, the power to Bijuunya-8 and the chakra / stamina, his is the weakest.

11. Sokou

Sokou the tails of four is a creature from Japanese mythology, the snail-shaped half-snake is said to live in the mountain Fuji, Japan. Sokou had four tails and spreading poisonous gases around the body. Initially, the Sokou rooster and a snake that established the love. However, the effect of air and toxins in the mountains, the two animals came together and became great. Because dangerous, an evil scientist named Yamazaki Ishiro sealed into the device Sokou Cage Moon god at the bottom of the mountain Berjaring Fuji, Japan. Until now, some people still think that the eruption of Mount Fuji Sokou caused by snoring while asleep.

Sokou fight 4 times, 3 defeat by Shukaku, Kaku and Hokou. Sokou run away when confronted with Raijū. Sokou physical strength among the weakest Bijuu. Level chakra / stamina of his rank-6.

12. Yamato no Orochi

Yamata no Orochi is a snake-shaped Bijuu. He has a blood-red eyes, eight heads and tails (also depicted entwined by the roots of bushes and shrubs) and has the power of the devil, symbol of evil. Each head Orochi represents a symbol: the soul, ghosts, evil, Satan, the world after death, and death. Real power of Orochi should not be too large, even likely weak. A member of the Kusanagi clan, when attacking to carelessness, using the legendary sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi. Therefore, as a consequence, Yamata no Orochi takes the sword over and absorb power within the liquid and become a very powerful creature, and finally got them inside her body. With his new powers, Orochi out the forces of darkness are so large that the other Bijuu wake, and become arrogant. Defeated Orochi Bijuu lot but he was defeated by the Kyuubi. The reason is simple: Kyuubi power is not limited, to make a hole in the Kusanagi even Enma and Sarutobi could not scratch it a bit. In legend, she was matched in terms of strength Kyuubi, but he has limits.

Greater length than 8 mountains, he is the greatest Bijuu. Originally, he was much weaker than Hokou and Nekomata. However, it was 1000 years before a brave warrior tried to beat the Kusanagi no Tsurugi. In the process it is absorbed by the sword Orochi, and massively increase the strength. After that he was free to use the power of the sword from his stomach. He comes from the ancient battlefield in Osaka.kabarnya Yamata no Orochi sealed within Orochimaru's body. he actually had almost taken by aktsuki, but because of its strength Akatsuki and Orochimaru failed to take any out of the organization.

Orochi fight 5 times, won the Shukaku, Isonade, Kaku, Raijū, and lost horribly over Kyuubi. His ability to summon demons from other worlds and the power of the Kusanagi. Ability chakra / stamina and physical Kyuubi. cause one level below the Yamata no Orochi is considered the devil / demon strongest after Kyuubi.

Yamata no Orochi wait for a genius of the Yagami clan, which is the mortal enemy of the Kusanagi clan. The aim is to generate Yamata no Orochi back to fight Kyuubi again. Since Yamata no Orochi power dwells in the Yagami clan, if the successor has emerged as one of genius in 1000 years time which could awaken Orochi's ability, the ability to be full again. Once this process is complete, the body's genius will be destroyed in the process of the body reappearance Orochi, who has a new strength. It would not be found before the decisive battle against the Kyuubi, and able to kill any, destroy any place like, and get the infinite vision (as Kyuubi has). The core of Yamata no Orochi power is a form of forbidden sealing jutsu. Immediately after the Yagami clan heir to the well-established, greater power will appear in the return of Yamata no Orochi.

13. Airawata

In Hindu mythology, Airawata (Sanskrit: Airavata) is a white elephant, the god Indra rides. Is the son of Airawata Irawati, one daughter of Daksha. In Hindu mythology, often portrayed that Airawata ridden by Indra who carried weapons Bajra, while eradicating the evil creatures. According to Hindu mythology, is one Airawata elephant keeper of the universe. He is regarded as the leader of the elephants.

In Thailand, Airawata called Erawan.Erawan described as a large elephant, has three heads, or sometimes 33 in number. The heads are sometimes described as having more than two ivory. Some of the statues represent the god Indra riding Erawan.

14. Aruna

In Hindu mythology and literature, Aruna (Sanskrit: Aruna) is the charioteer of the sun god, Surya. He is the son of Goddess Winata and Bagawan Kashyapa. Her name in Sanskrit means "shining reddish". By Hindus, Aruna is seen as a red light shining on the eastern horizon in the morning, when the priests do Suryasewana. He is believed to have power spiritual.Aruna also the name of the sea god Hittite. He is the son of Kamrusepa.

15. Ashura

Asura in the Hindu religion is the nation Daitya (or Daitya), sometimes equated with a demon or evil beings. They have a negative nature, that is hostile to the gods.

However, several Asuras a god, like Kubera, Yaksa nation group, was god of finance and wealth. Asuras set of social phenomena on the earth such as Varuna, the god of water, which also regulates RTA law. As for god, manage natural phenomena, such as Indra, the god of rain, thunder and weather god.

In some texts, the gods are the ones who have the nation's noble character, while Asuras otherwise. It's called "daiwi sampad", ie noble traits (qualities of the Gods), and bad qualities, or "asuri sampad" (the nature of the Asuras). The definition of the nature of the Asuras are: proud, pride, anger, stupid, rude, stubborn, crazy treasure, and consider myself a Buddhist terpenting.Dalam, Asura is a supernatural creature in Buddhist cosmology.

16. Bidadara

Bidadara (Sanskrit: vidhya = knowledge, dharya = possessing or carrying) are creatures of human form male who lives in heaven or heaven of the Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. Tasks and their functions is to become a messenger of the gods to men, as the angels in Islam, Christianity and Hinduism Yahudi. they were called by name gandharva (from Sanskrit) or gandarwa in Javanese tongue, husbands of the Apsaras. They were incredibly good at playing music. They keep the Soma and made beautiful songs to the gods. Gandharva acts as a messenger of the gods to appear in human. Often stories of Hindu and Buddhist. Like Kalantaka and Kalanjaya incarnation bidadara which is condemned for not respecting god, so should be born as ugly giant. They also often become ornaments in Hindu temples and Buddhist.

17. Bidadari

Apsara (Sanskrit: vidhyadhari) or Apsara (Sanskrit: apsara) is a form of human beings sex woman living in heaven or heaven in Hindu belief. Tasks and their functions is to be a messenger of the gods to men, as the angels in Semitic beliefs. There are times when they are sent to test the extent to which persistence person (male) in a hermitage, by way of trying to awaken the sage of their tapa. The angel use their physical beauty to test the hermit.

18. Garuda

Garuda (Sanskrit: Garuda and Garula Pali) is one of the gods in the Hindu and Buddhist religions. He is an instrument Lord Vishnu, one of the Trimurti or the manifestation of God in Hinduism. Garuda described bodied gold, white-faced, red wings. Beak and wings like eagles, but his body like a human. Large size so as to prevent Japan also known matahari.Bangsa Garuda, which they called Karura. In Thailand called Pha recruited or recruited.

Garuda is a mythical bird, half-man half-bird, vehicle of Vishnu. He is the king of birds and is a descendant Kashyapa and Winata, one of Daksha's daughter. He is the mortal enemy of the snake, a trait inherited from his mother, who had quarreled with his wife and fellow supervisor, namely Kadru, mother of the snake.

Garuda very light rays so that the gods thought him Agni (God of Fire) and admired him. Garuda is often described to have the head, wings, tail and snout hawk, and the body, hands and feet of a human being. White face, red wings, and his body golden.

He has a son named Sempati (Sampati) and his wife was Unnati or Vināyaka. According to the book of the Mahabharata, his parents gave him the freedom to prey on humans, but not the Brahmins. At one point, he swallowed a Brahmin and his wife. Then her throat burned, and then he spit again.

Garuda said Amrita never stole from the gods to release her from the clutches of Kadru. Then Indra knew and a great fight with him. Amrita can be retaken, but injuries and Indra his lightning (banyu) becomes corrupted.

19. Kinnara

Kinnara is heavenly beings form a half-bird half-human. They are good at playing musical instruments, such as Vina or Santol.

Kinnara woman called Kinnaris. Kinnaris intangible beauties from head to waist, but part of the body under the form of a swan. They are clever verse, playing musical instruments, and dancing. The mythology of Kinnara appeared in many Southeast Asian region, especially the Hindu majority have influence, such as Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Indonesia sometimes. In the temple of Borobudur, Indonesia, there are reliefs depicting Kinnara.

20. Makara

Makara in Hindu mythology, are creatures of the elephant-headed form of fish, as often described and inscribed in the temples in Indonesia, especially in Bali and Java. The Balinese call gajahmina, which literally means "elephant fish". Makara sometimes described as being intangible and half goat half fish like Kaprikornus symbols of the zodiac. In the sacred books of Hindus, the makara is a creature that became the vehicle god Varuna and Goddess Ganga.

21. Nandi

Nandi atau Nandiswara is a cow that be vehicle from Siwa god in Hindu mythology. The temple has a statue of Nandi is usually categorized as a temple for Hindu Shiva worship.

22. Nandini

Nandini (Sanskrit: "great") is a female ox. Oxen are used as a vehicle Batara Shiva. Nandini cow also symbolizes the wealth, property Bagawan Vasistha, supposedly born of Surabhi, the bull prosperity that comes when ocean stirring. Other names known Nandini in Indonesia is Andini and Handini. Statue in the temple known Prambanan.Lembu Nandini did not know the character of Nandini takut.Nama also common for a female name in India with the hope that the given name will be strong.

23. Takshaka

In Hindu mythology, Takshaka (Sanskrit: Takshaka) is one of the dragon, the son of the Goddess and Kashyapa Kadru. He lived in Nagaloka with his brothers the others, namely Wasuki, Ananta Bhoga, and others. In the Mahabharata, the Dragon is a dragon Takshaka kill King Parikesit.Naga Takshaka also appears in the mythology of Bali, should influence the Hindu mythology of India. Balinese mythology, Takshaka is a snake who lives in heaven. Not all of these snakes have a bad behavior.

24. Uchaishravas

In Hindu mythology, Uchaishravas (Sanskrit: Uccaihsrava) or Ucaisrawas (Sanskrit: Uchaisravas) (sometimes called Oncersrawa) is a white horse with seven heads of the god Indra, who emerged as the stirring "sea of milk". The story appears in the book Adiparwa. Color Uchaishravas the subject of a bet between Winata (Garuda's mother) and Kadru (mother of the serpent). Finally, Uchaishravas horses became black as can be sprayed by the dragons.

25. Yaksa

Yaksa (derived from the Sanskrit) is a type of creature in Hindu mythology, half man, half god. Yaksa often associated with the giant.

26. Wanara

In Hindu mythology, Vanara (Sanskrit: Vanara) means "man-tailed monkey". This term is very popular to refer to the ape-man race in the epic Ramayana which has properties brave and always wanted to know. Term Vanara could also stands for "Wana-nara" (man (nara) who live in the woods (wana)). Epic Mahabharata describes them as a tribe who live in the middle of the forest. They were found by Sahadev, a Pandava generals who led military campaigns to South India.

According to the Ramayana, the Vanara Kiskenda generally live in the present that is located in the region of South India, in the middle of the woods Dandaka, where Sri Rama met them during an adventure to find Sita. The Vanara help Rama find Sita, and also fought against Ravana, the abductor of Sita.

As described in the epic, Vanara features such as fun-loving, boyish, soft hands, like a joke, hyperactive, adventurous, honest, plain nan, loyal, brave, and friendly. They are shorter than human height in general and their bodies covered with bright feathers, usually brown.

Vanara is the largest and most famous is Hanuman, Sri Rama's faithful servant, and is the incarnation of Lord Shiva. Some other famous Vanara Anjani (Hanuman's mother), Sugriva, Vali, Indigo and Anggada.

27. Giants

In Hindu mythology, is a giant evil creature or spirit that is evil. In Sanskrit, the word "giant" means cruelty and is the opposite of "Raksha" (tranquil). They are the people eating human flesh or cannibals. According to Hindu mythology, a giant is the reincarnation of sinners in the past life. Although the nature of evil and love fighting with the gods, but they also pleaded with the power of a particular deity worship, such as Brahma. In Hinduism, are not always tangible horrible giants, his face and big sangar. Some people are born with the body and the human form but has a wicked soul deserves a giant, such as: Kamsa, Duryodhana, Dushasana, Jarasandha, Shishupala. These figures appear in the story of the Mahabharata. The female giant called Rakshasi, while the giants in human form called Manushya Giants.

28. Abarimon

Abarimon is the name of a legendary race of people native to the state of the same name. The people who have Abarimon feet back, but despite this disability can travel at incredible speed. They live side by side with wild animals and try to capture them failed because they were so barbaric.

They lived in a valley of Mount Imaus (now called the Himalayan Mountains). There are specific air quality, which means if he blew for the long term it will be impossible for another breath of air and people can not leave the life valley. Abarimon first person described by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History. The same is the story recounted by Aulus Gellius in Attic night

29. Abatwa

Abatwa is a symbol of peace and tranquility for the people of Africa. Its size is smaller than adult humans. Living in South Africa. Very shy, and just want to show up in children under five, witches, and pregnant women. A pregnant woman who saw Abatwa women, can ensure that the future will give birth to boys. And vice versa, if he saw a man Abatwa, and soon will get a baby girl.

30. Agogwe

Agogwe are like human beings and are so small, like a dwarf. Often found in East Africa.

31. Andean wolf

Andean wolf form clearly known, but often looks around the Arctic and North America.

32. Arabhar

Arabhar the giant flying serpent that is believed to be around the Arab sea.

33. Aitvaras

Monster of Lithuania is a creature who can change shape; a rooster when in the house and into a dragon when outside the home. If he was staying temporarily in someone's home, she will not asked to leave. He is a good luck and bad luck for the inhabitants of the occupied houses.

34. Ajatar

Monster dragon legends come from Finnish in Sweden. This monster is the embodiment of evil. He is a snake-eating, causing the development of plague outbreaks in Europe. Many of them think he's closely associated with Aitvaras and Lithuania.

35. Ahutzotl

This creature is a monster in the legends of Central America. Ape-like human face with long arms up to the tail. He is a very scary thing because it has all sorts of creepy, nails and sharp teeth. He also predators of human flesh. As a water creature, with his hands and his tail he can catch the fishermen or the people who were on the edge stayed. Sometimes he cry to attract attention, and when people came up to him, he was ambushed and eat it quickly.

36. Buraq

Buraq is an animal that looks like a horse. Saiznya little less than a horse but larger than keldai. his rub like lightning. Step-jumps, as far as the eye can see distance. Buraq will lengthen his hind legs when he was climbing when the front legs will lengthen when he also declined. Wiggled his ears and legs are back to beginning Buraq nature. In addition to the beautiful apparently, there are wings on both pehanya. This wing is to help speed jumps.

37. karura

Karura is a large creature that has breath hot and is part of the Hindu-Buddhist mythology of Japan. This creature has a human body and the head of an eagle. This creature based on Garuda and brought to Japan with the spread of religion is also Buddha.Nama Karura Japanese accent from the Sanskrit word garuda. But it seems the Japanese form is taken from the Pali language is often confused with garula. Karura Hoo, or Phoenix.