1. Songjiang Hotel: Paradise in a Water-Filled Quarry

The Songjiang Hotel is designed by Atkins Design, using a former mining area that contains beautiful water right in the Songjiang district on the outskirts of Shanghai, China. This innovative design is equipped with a green roof, geothermal energy, and room under the water, including the restaurant and rooms for guests. This excavation area provides an ideal setting for sports and vacations, including swimming, water sports, panajt cliffs, and bungee jumping.

This building was originally scheduled to be completed in mid 2009, but until now still form a mere concept. (Source)
2. Dragonfly, Farm metabolism for Agriculture City
Vicent Vallebaut designer makes this remarkable design to synergize the resources of food, housing, and energy sources in the future. Dragonfly (dragonfly) is the concept of agriculture as a model for New York City's Roosevelt Island and imitate a dragonfly wing design and is designed to provide a source of fresh local food in the city environment.
Fruits, vegetables, livestock, and the source of milk produced above 132 Dragonfly floor. The entire structure will be powered by a combination of solar and wind energy. (Source)
3. The Venus Project: Towards Sustainable Global Civilization
To survive global warming, human population continues to grow, and other challenges in the future, one can believe that we have to start from scratch with a new model of human civilization is directing our technology and resources available in a positive direction, to human prosperity and the planet earth.
The Venus Project is a vision for a new world civilization and redesign our entire culture.
Cities are circulating, with agricultural fields in it and also public transit, in harmony with the sea towns which could accommodate millions of people, only a part of the revolutionary ideas of this complex. (Source)
4. Origami, Apartment Living Indoor / Outdoor seamless (Seamless)
By making the whole apartment building vertical, we can overcome the limitations of space and provide a lush green garden for each occupant.
Origami, designed by Kann Finch to Meydan City in Dubai, each apartment will provide an open quality that add to the internal living areas to balconies with large window walls that can be raised to the top.
Solid screen / glass patterned helped provide attractive visual impression from the outside and provide protection and privacy for the occupants. (Source)
5. Dynamic, Tower of Whirling Wind Energy
The Italian architect David Fischer designed the Dynamic Tower Skyscraper that every 80 floors will rotate through a voice command (voice).
Fischer wanted a design space where you can enjoy the sunrise and tebenam from the same space. Rotation will take 3 hours and are powered by solar panels and wind turbine 79, with a turbine that is placed between each floor. Almost the entire structure is made of off-site. (Source)
This new construction is planned to be completed by the end of 2010. See also the video demo below:
6. Sky-Terra Skyscrapers: Recreation in the Sky City
As cities become more chaotic, green space becomes very important. One idea to provide recreation space in the city environment is the work of designers from San Francisco Joanna Borek-Clement of Sky-Terra Skycrapers.
Sky-Terra is a network of skyscrapers that stand in the sky to the city with gardens, ampitheater, swimming pool, and other public facilities. The central part of each structure have elevators as a means of transportation to the top. (Source)
7. 'My Dream, Our Vision' by Design Act
A house in Singapore to create the design concept of 'My Dream, Our Vision' in the event the World Expo 2010 Singapore Pavilion Competition.
This concept of using the cubes to create a building dipermutasi pixels shaped like a "digital cloud" over the green grass park. (Source)
8. No Man's Land: Clean Water, Clean Energy, and Peace
The concept of No Man's Land from architect Phu Hoang Office of New York provides solutions for clean water controls that are specific issues in the Middle East. This concept also provides recreation, tourism attractions, and energy berksinambungan.
Design No Man's Land consists of a network of islands, creating artificial islands to extract the molecules in the air for Desalinisation plant processes, providing clean water from the Dead Sea for a drink. (Source)
9. Dystopian Agriculture in Manhattan
Shaped like a nest of insects, Dystopian project by Eric Vergne Farming combine agriculture, housing workers, and places to shop, to bring together farmers with urban needs. The idea is to reject genetically engineered foods and projections. Provide irrigation airoponic and nutrition technology in a fully controlled environment by humans as a food source. (Source)
This is an example of how the architecture in the future. Almost everything is still a draft. Obviously people should fully understand that friends with nature is the key to building a sustainable civilization.