In an attempt to raise public awareness to the dangers of smoking, an Australian pharmaceutical company has set up an installation, featuring 219,000 cigarette imitations, in the middle of Sydney.
This unusual display, located in central Sydney, is supposed to convince smokers to seek professional help, and give up smoking. The cigarettes are covered by transparent panels, and in case you’re wondering why there are 219,000 of them, that’s how many a smoker goes through, in a period of 30 years, at a rate of 20 cigarettes per day.
This unusual display, located in central Sydney, is supposed to convince smokers to seek professional help, and give up smoking. The cigarettes are covered by transparent panels, and in case you’re wondering why there are 219,000 of them, that’s how many a smoker goes through, in a period of 30 years, at a rate of 20 cigarettes per day.
Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap bahaya merokok, sebuah perusahaan farmasi Australia telah mendirikan sebuah instalasi, menampilkan 219.000 imitasi rokok, di tengah kota Sydney.
Tampilan yang tidak biasa, yang berlokasi di Sydney pusat, seharusnya meyakinkan perokok untuk mencari bantuan profesional, dan berhenti merokok. Rokok-rokok ini dilapisi dengan panel transparan, dan dalam kasus Anda bertanya-tanya mengapa ada 219.000 rokok, itu adalah banyaknya perokok, dalam jangka waktu 30 tahun, pada tingkat 20 batang per hari.